Message from the Director

Message from CEL Executive Director

Please join me in welcoming the CEL Core Class of 2015. We have a great group of business leaders from diverse industries and look forward to another great year as everyone begins their personal "CEL Experience." Please make sure to say hello to the new class.

We have been busy at the center and I'd like to take a minute to update you with all that has transpired over the past several months:

  • We continue to implement a strategic plan for the center that aligns tightly with the CELAA and its membership.  In summary, we are moving toward becoming a world class Center of Entrepreneurial Excellence over the next five years.
  • Our current programming includes:
  • Advanced Core - Launched this fall, the course is open to graduates of the Core Program and is the next step in moving your business forward.  It is a rare opportunity and limited in size. If you are interested in attending future years, please contact me.
  • Key Persons Leadership Development Program - An opportunity to send your organization's "key people" to experience CEL and bring them up to the next level of leadership. This course is for emerging leaders and runs for ten weeks.
  • The Allstate Minority & Women Emerging Entrepreneurs (MWEE) remains a strong support system for early-stage businesses. 
  • The Allstate Entrepreneur Support program graduated its first class in August.  This program brings the resources of the Allstate MWEE program directly to the Bailey Ave./Kensington business district for area entrepreneurs.
  • The Panasci Technology Competition is gearing up.  If you know any students or recent UB grads that might be interested in taking a shot at a $25,000 prize to start their business have them contact us.
  • Global Entrepreneurship Week is a weeklong series of activities and programming which is celebrated all over the world.  Its main goal is to support, inspire and engage aspiring entrepreneurs and happens in November.
  • In order to continue providing family businesses with the right balance of guidance and support, the CEL has established a portfolio of resources focused exclusively on supporting the unique challenges and needs associated with family business. Family businesses can join the CEL Family Business Association and take advantage of learning and networking opportunities throughout the year exclusively for family businesses. Families looking for a deeper dive can elect to participate in the 8-week Growing a Healthy Family Business course, exclusively for families who work together in the family business. The course sold out early last year; if you are interested, contact us.

Lastly, I'd be remiss not to mention the support of our outstanding team. They make it all happen. Trust me, it wouldn't happen without them and I'm thankful to have them on the CEL team.

We look forward to continuing to work with each of you in the CEL network.  You are a powerful voice for business in Western New York and working together you can be a catalyst for WNY's revival and long term success. Please don't ever hesitate to call the CEL office if we can be of service.

Tom Ulbrich, CEL 2003

Assistant Dean and Executive Director

University at Buffalo

School of Management

Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership

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